For those wishing to invest time in laying firm spiritual foundations in their lives, we also run a year long discipleship course called 'Be Fruitful & Multiply' (BFAM), developed by Every Home For Christ.
This interactive and participatory course meets once a week for 2-3 hours and is delivered in four modules of 13 sessions each:
Module #1: Reconciled Relationship - Understanding the story of God's plan to reconcile the world to himself.
Module #2: Abide in Christ - Living in obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ.
Module #3: Abundant Life - Being a worthy representative of God in the world.
Module #4: Essential Truths - Solidifying the primary truths of the Christian faith.
Every BFAM session is based on a biblical story. Participants are taught to examine the scriptures for themselves, ask the right questions of the text, discern what the text means and then consider how it should be applied to their lives.
Therefore by the end of this course, you'll have gained:
1) Methods to rightly examine and interpret Biblical stories.
2) A broad and deep understanding of the core foundational truths of the Christian faith.
3) An ability to hear the Holy Spirit speaking into your life through the scriptures.
4) An understanding of how to lead a biblical, relevant and fruitful small group Bible study yourself.
We do not charge for this course, but ask participants to consider making a free will donation of their choosing to help cover the associated costs of running the course.
If you're interested in participating in BFAM or have any further questions, please contact us.